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Survivor Services

AARBF supports burn survivors and family members with a variety of supportive services, including in-hospital and post discharge aid; camps, outings and retreats; and scholarships for burn survivors and their families.

Our programs are developed by burn survivors for burn survivors. They are open to burn survivors and families who live in California or have been treated in California hospitals.

They are staffed by professional counselors and fully screened volunteers—many of whom are also burn unit nurses, burn doctors, adult burn survivors and firefighters.

Care Manager, Michael Knopf, talks about AARBF Survivor Services

Miki Mathes “burn victor” and medical doctor

Miki Mathes was burn-injured when she was two years old. At Champ Camp, Miki found a safe and loving community which paved the way to growth from camper to counslor and now Medical Doctor.

Read more about Miki’s story

Camps, retreats and outings

Camps, outings and retreats include age-appropriate services to support healing and wholeness for burn survivors and their families. These include:
<p><strong>Camps</strong> include our Champ Camp for burn survivors (aged 5-17) and Family Getaway residential camp offer a safe environment to help children and families navigate the healing journey.</p>
<p class="survior-camps-learn-more"><a href="https://www.aarbf.org/survivor-services/survivor-camp-retreat/?tab=camps" rel="noopener">Learn More</a></p>

Camps include our Champ Camp for burn survivors (aged 5-17) and Family Getaway residential camp offer a safe environment to help children and families navigate the healing journey.

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<p><strong>Retreats</strong> include our Young Adult Summit, Adult Retreat Weekend and Women’s Empowerment Weekend Retreat. Each retreat offers a safe environment and tailored experience for burn survivors.</p>
<p class="survior-camps-learn-more"><a href="https://www.aarbf.org/survivor-services/survivor-camp-retreat/?tab=retreats" rel="noopener">Learn more</a></p>

Retreats include our Young Adult Summit, Adult Retreat Weekend and Women’s Empowerment Weekend Retreat. Each retreat offers a safe environment and tailored experience for burn survivors.

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<p><strong>Outings</strong> offer safe and supportive environment for recreation. Tailored to children, adults or families the trips focus on fun and making connections with other burn survivors.</p>
<p class="survior-camps-learn-more"><a href="https://www.aarbf.org/survivor-services/survivor-camp-retreat/?tab=outings" rel="noopener">Learn more</a></p>

Outings offer safe and supportive environment for recreation. Tailored to children, adults or families the trips focus on fun and making connections with other burn survivors.

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Yaramitt Heredia a journey to confidence sparked at Champ Camp

Meet Yaramitt Heredia, burned over 48% of her body in a backyard firepit accident at age 9. AARBF was with Yara across her journey to confidence-her breakthrough came at Champ Camp where her connection to other survivors opened her to a future full of possibilities

Read more about Yara’s story

Hospital and Post-discharge Aid, Support Groups

A wide range of information, practical and emotional services are available to burn survivors and family members.

In-hospital visits and post discharge aid include peer support and programs for work and school re-entry delivered by experienced counselors.

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Virtual and in-person support groups offer emotional support for burn survivors to nurture healing led by experienced facilitators.

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Peer-to-peer support comes in many forms (a burn survivors talking to another burn survivor or parent talking to another parent or loved one) and is a powerful tool for healing.

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James Bosch Therapy Grant provides financial assistance for therapeutic counseling for burn survivors, family members or caregivers.

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Scholarships are based on financial need and available for burn survivors, family members or caregivers.

Woody & Louise Reed “Bridge to Life” Scholarship provides financial assistance for burn survivors to pursue an education beyond high school- albeit university or technical institution.

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Aiming Higher Scholarship program provides financial assistance to burn survivors to pursue higher education goals including a Master’s level or PhD education.

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Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation World Burn Congress Scholarship provides financial assistance to attend the Phoenix Society’s World Burn Congress.

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Principals that Guide our Survivor Services

For over fifty years, we have provided Survivor Services across California. We have built Survivor and Prevention Services on strong principals that guide our service delivery and interactions with the communities we serve.