AARBF recognizes the long and complex journey that a burn survivor, family member or caregiver undertakes as a result of a burn injury. In some cases, AARBF is able to provide financial support to survivors and family members/caregivers seeking therapeutic counseling. Please complete this application and submit. Your regional manager will contact you for additional information
Consent Agreement
I understand that, if awarded a therapy scholarship, AARBF will pay my therapist directly until the dedicated funds have been disbursed. While AARBF will send me and my therapist reminders and updates, I will be responsible to cover the costs of any services that go above and beyond the therapy scholarship award that I receive. If I am unsure of how much of my scholarship remains, it is my responsibility to contact AARBF to find out. If I fail to attend therapy for two months, I understand that the funds will be reallocated to someone on the waitlist.