Burn Prevention

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N.I.C.K. for Fire and Burn Safety
February 10, 2021

N.I.C.K. for Fire and Burn Safety

The Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation (AARBF), in partnership with Pyramid Educational Consultants, developed the N.I.C.K. (Neurotypical/diverse Independent Communication Kit) for Fire and Burn Safety, to bring fire and burn safety education to individuals with autism spectrum disorder, developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and communication challenges.

Safe and Warm
February 10, 2021

Safe and Warm

The goal of Safe and Warm is to provide prevention education specific to the unique needs of the unhoused.

Senior Prevention and Risk Conversations
September 28, 2020

Senior Prevention and Risk Conversations

SPARC is an acronym for Senior Prevention and Risk Conversations. It is an interactive and customized program designed to engage older adults, ages 55 years and older, in conversations about fire and burn safety, in a comfortable and casual environment. The program is provided at no charge by the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation.

Burn Safety Tips with Firefighter Patch
August 20, 2020

Burn Safety Tips with Firefighter Patch

Firefighter Patch teaches us how to prevent burns in young children with easy cooking safety and scald prevention tips.

Using Behavioral Science in Fire and Burn Prevention Webinar
June 2, 2020

Using Behavioral Science in Fire and Burn Prevention Webinar

The goal of any fire safety training is to create behavior change in our audience. How do you know if you fire or burn prevention ...

“Firefighters in Safety Education”  Program Webinar
June 2, 2020

“Firefighters in Safety Education” Program Webinar

This webinar was recorded on May 28, 2020 and presented by Daniel Chacon, Assistant Director for the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation and DeWayne Eckerdt, ...

Meet the Johnsons
June 2, 2020

Meet the Johnsons

Meet the Johnsons: A Fire and Burn Safe Family. Written by Jennifer Radics-Johnson.

Lucky the Fire Burping Dragon
June 2, 2020

Lucky the Fire Burping Dragon

Follow Lucky the Fire Burping Dragon as he learns about fire and burn safety from his friend Firefighter Dave.

Burn Prevention Activity Sheet
April 28, 2020

Burn Prevention Activity Sheet

Downloadable Activity Sheet

Tip Sheet for Parents
April 28, 2020

Tip Sheet for Parents

Downloadable Sheet